12 May 2022

Zhaydarman contest it's easy to get married, it's hard to be at home

Zharkent Higher Humanitarian and Technical College in honor of the Day of Laughter among the 3 courses, the zhaydarman competition "it's easy to get married, it's hard to be at home" was held. The competition consisted of 3 stages:

1) greeting

2) acting skills

3) Homework

A total of 5 teams from each group took part in the competition.

301 group Team "Diamond", 302 group team "Dynamite", 305 group Team "Marzhan, Ulpan, Shugyla, Aida, Janelle, Aruzhan and Aruzhan", 306 group team "It specialists", 307 group team "shot in puppy age.....

According to the results of the competition, 301 group team "Diamond", 307 group team "shot in puppy age" with a "thank you letter". Team 305"Marzhan, Ulpan, Shugyla, Aida, Janelle, Aruzhan and Aruzhan " took the 3rd place, team 306 " IT specialists" took the 2nd place, team 302 "Dynamite" took the 1st place.


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