13 December 2021

Каримбаев Ғазиз Кайсаұлы Бастауыш білім беру мұғалімі мамандығына Этнопедагогика пәнінен өз тәжірибсімен бөлісті

At the practical lesson "opportunities of the applied bachelor's degree program", organized by the educational and methodological Center for the Development of Education of the Almaty region, a teacher of pedagogy, psychology of the Zharkent Higher Humanitarian and Technical College, Master of Pedagogical Sciences Karimbayev Gaziz Kaisaevich shared his experience in ethnopedagogy "the profession of primary education teacher". The techniques of "question loop", "critical thinking based on visual indications", "the best pedagogical idea", "who is more attentive", "role-playing game", feedback were effectively used in the lesson. During the lesson, students were able to evaluate their knowledge, demonstrate knowledge, skills, and abilities. 

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