13 December 2021

«Педагог миссиясы» тақырыбында 3-4 курс студенттерімен кездесу өтті

On December 02, 2021, in accordance with the plan of the scientific community "Ziat", a meeting with students of 3-4 courses on the topic "Teacher's mission" was held at the Zharkent Higher Humanitarian and Technical College. The meeting was opened by a 4th-year student A. Nurakhmet, who introduced the guest of the meeting and asked several questions. The guest of the meeting, Ibraimov Sayat Nurkasymovich, a scholarship holder of the future, a doctoral student of pedagogical sciences in Europe, the owner of the international program of the future and the Nazarbayev scholarship, the founder of PedAkademia, explained to students the meaning of the word "mission" that a person's life should have its own mission. In order to choose a profession, a person needs, first of all, to realize his inclinations to himself. To myself, "Who am I?", "What is my place in this life?", "How do I live?" a person who does not ask questions, no less.

There are many professions in this multidisciplinary life. Of course, it is not so easy to make a choice. The main thing is that a person should be able-bodied, attentive, and his profession should make an important, valuable contribution to the environment in which he grew up. When a person finds joy in work, new forces are invested in him and inspiration for work grows. A great desire, an inspired cause is the way to success. After college students chose the profession of a teacher, they exchanged views on how important and useful this profession is for the country. Together with the teacher's mission during the meeting, he shared his opinion on the correct time planning. The students asked their questions and expressed gratitude to Sayat Nurkasymovich. 

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